Session 6 Collaboration tools and Communication


The unit we are studying is called Use Social Media for Collaboration and Engagement. We have covered most of the tools under the Social Media banner, but there are also some web 2.0 tools that are used solely for collaboration.

What is Collaboration?

Why is it important to be able to collaborate online?

How can we use Social Media to Collaborate?

What features would you like to see in an online Collaboration tool?

Online Collaboration Tools 

Online collaboration tools can be split into categories, much like social media. I like to think of them as:

  • Whiteboard
  • Mind Mapping
  • File sharing/Document sharing
  • Concept design 
  • Project Management/Team Collaboration
  • Presentations

Of course there are also tools that have multiple functions.

Pretty much all of the tools that I have included have a reasonable FREE option as well as upgrade/Pro packages.


This is exactly what it sounds like - a large whiteboard that you can share and collaborate with other people online. They are usually reasonably free-form so you can just start adding your information and/or drawing your ideas out. Team members are invited to join and share.

A Web Whiteboard (now Miro, but AWW still accessible)

Class Activity 1

As this is one of the easiest tools to get started with, we will have a class collaboration exercise

Follow the link to join in! (link will go on Zoom Chat)



You can use it as a blank whiteboard or you can upload an image or even a document that can be discussed and collaborated on.


Mind Mapping

Watch the video to get an idea on what you can do with this tool.


Watch the video to see how this tool works

Pricing and features

Mind 42

File sharing/Document Sharing

Otherwise known as Cloud Storage, the most popular of these would be
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • OneDrive - Microsoft - integrates with Office Applications
  • ZOHO

All of these applications allow you to store your files in the cloud and share and collaborate with others.

I use Dropbox and GoogleDrive, with Dropbox being my first choice in cloud storage. What I love about Dropbox is that it behaves like any normal folder on your computer and so is accessible from any application seamlessly. I have been using it for many years and while OneDrive has definitely caught up in some of its features, for personal stuff I use Dropbox. In the last couple of years I have started to use OneDrive more as it is integrated with MS Office and with our corporate Sharepoint (Chisholm).

Here are a few:

How to use Google Drive

YouTube Video: How To: Beginner's Guide to Google Drive for Windows - Backup and Sync Tutorial - Technology for Teachers and Students

Concept Design


Presentation / Slide sharing


Watch the video to get an idea of how this application works.


This is a different take on presentations, but can also be used similar to PowerPoint, with slides and transitions.

Watch the video to see how this tool works.

This is one collaboration tool that has had a major upgrade that allows remote presentations to be created and presented easily with new Video Templates.

Project Management/Team Collaboration

There are heaps of Project management tools out there that allow you to collaborate on a project, schedule and allocate tasks and create To Do lists.

More tools and Information

Great articles on collaboration tools - lots to choose from

Class Activity 2

Can you find any that I missed? Hint: Yes there are heaps!

Find a free collaboration tool and share details with the class:
  • Features
  • Plans
  • How to sign up/Join

Are there any that allow you to collaborate across devices (i.e. computer, tablet, phone or other mobile device)

This is our last learning class - the next 2 classes will be for presentations. I have a couple of short clips just to finish off our social media

1. TED Talk - Curly Fry Conundrum

Jennifer Goldbeck - The Curly Fry Cunundrum: Why Social Media "likes" say more Than you might think

2. TED Talk - Your online life, permanent as a tattoo

3. TED Talk - Protecting Twitter users (sometimes from themselves

Team Communication

Read the article 15 simple ways to improve team communication 


What is Negotiation

Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument. 

From the links below, read:

Stages of Negotiation

Win-Lose Approach
Win-Win Approach


Watch the Video on Win/Win


Describe a time when you have been involved in a Negotiation as part of a team

What was the outcome? 

Was it a Win-Win or Win-Lose Approach?

And to finish -

Watch the TomWujec TED Talk video

What do you think?


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