There are a number of tools that fit under one or all of these headings and the distinction between them can get blurred. Social Bookmarking You all know how to Bookmark a website that you like - depending on your web browser it might be called bookmarking or favourites. With social Bookmarking, you can share these bookmarks with other people in your network as well as sort into categories and add tags to allow you to sort or search them based on different criteria. Some also allow you to bookmark and save the article for reading offline. Social bookmarking is a way for users to search, manage, organize, and store useful web content they'd like to revisit and share with others. Because social bookmarking sites are web-based services, you can access your bookmarks online at any time, from any device. You can read more about Social Bookmarking here: The following tools are what I would classify as standard or tradi...